Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My Brothers

nnnnbnnn kkjbvff vvvbbbbbbbbhhgggsxxhxcvjk v xxzz.That was my yougest brother's typing. He is one and a half years old. He is sad so he is sitting on my lap while I am writting and he just started pushing keys so I let him because it made him happy. Now he is leaning his head against me. I think he is tired. He keeps saying something and I can't figure out what it is. It is hard to describe what he was saying in writting. My other brother, Isaac who is three, is climbing all over me. I guess they must love me a lot. Oh, Josh is asleep. What can I do, my leg is asleep and my butt hurts. Oh well, at least I'm at the computer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet! That's funny that you let him type. :) TeaSue