Saturday, June 2, 2007

I Dyed My Hair!

For my birthday, my mom let me get red stripes in my hair. In certain light, it looks pink because my hair is light brown. Yesterday, my mom took me to get my hair cut shorter because it is getting hotter and I had mentioned dying my hair before so she let me while I was getting it cut as a birthday present. My sister got a hair cut too. She cut off ten inches of her long hair to donate to Locks of Love who makes wigs for kids who don't have any hair. We went to visit my mom's parents and they were surprised at both of us; me for dying my hair and her for cutting it all off. My grandma even asked me to make sure it has red stripes when we get our whole family's pictures.

Yesterday, I went to an open house for the fire college where my other grandpa works. They showed how fast a fire can spread from a trash can in a bed room. In three minutes the temperature was twelve hundered degrees. When they put out the fire, there was so much smoke that I could not see two feet in front of me and afterwards my just cut hair smelled like smoke. It was depressing(Actually, I had a lot of fun). My week has been exciting!