Thursday, May 31, 2007

My Birthday!

My birthday is on June fourteenth which is only fourteen days away! If you read my post titled ''Summer!'' and payed attention to the dates of my things to do, you can see that I will be at band camp in Iowa over my birthday. Some stuff that I want for my birthday are an mp3 player, saxaphone of my own(I rent one right now), some c.d.'s, and whatever else my parents think that I will like. I didn't even notice that my birthday was that soon until my ten year old sister said so. I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Great! My B.Day is in like, 4 mos. October. Are you glad that you will be doing band camp during your birthday, or what? :)TeaSue

Anonymous said...

Every second it gets closer. Wierd. If you think about it, not so wierd. Did I spell wierd right? Who knows and who cares. Whatever. What do you want for your Birthday???? Tell me, I'm interested! :)TeaSue

Kaitielyn said...

Tea Sue, the post says what I want and I can't think of anything else really.Why, are you going to get me something????????

Kaitielyn said...

Oh,and yes you spelled wierd right.

julia said...

Just wondering. Thank you for telling me about my spelling. ;)TeaSue