I broke my ring finger on Friday, May18. I was in second hour P.E. playing catch with a softball. My partner threw the ball to me and I caught it. I jammed my finger when I caught the softball. I wanted to scream out in pain because it hurt so bad. I thought that my finger was just bruised, but later I found out that it was fractured.
I had a field trip that day after second hour, so I was miserable throughout the entire day at Skate Land and Old Orchard bowling and mini golf. I tried to ignore my finger, but it still hurt no matter how hard I tried. When I was at Skate Land, I was pulling some tickets out of a game and saw how bad my finger looked. It was so swollen, that it was twice it's original size and all blue and purple. I could barely move it now because it was so swollen. I survived the rest of the day until I got home.
When my mom saw it, she wanted to take me to get it x-rayed.When my dad saw it, he knew that it was broken and he and my mom woried that I would not be able to play at my jazz band concert that night. To make sure that I could still play, I tried to play one of the songs but it was impossible. I was not going to be able to play that night. I was planning to at least watch the concert, but, again, this was not going to happen.
My mom called my band director to tell him that I could not play then she called my grandparents to tell them not to come because I broke my finger. Then, my mom took me to get it x-rayed. I was there for two hours so I completely missed the concert. They buddy taped my finger together with the one next to it because it was just a fracture and not a clean break.
So you see how such a little thing as a broken ring finger can mess up a lot of other stuff including people's plans.