My dog's name is Natal. He is now seven years old and we got him when he was three months. He is a black lab and German shepard mix. He is a good family and guard dog. His birthday is on Christmas day. He is very good to my younger brothers who are three and one. They like to climb on him and pull at his ears and hair but he just sits there and lets them.If he gets really anoyed, then he will just stand up and walk away. But recently he had a problem.
About three months ago, my dad noticed a bump on Natal's toe. He thought it was just a sist and nothing to worry about, but it started to get bigger and bleed so we took to him to the vet. They said that it might be cancerous so they would have to cut some of it off and send it to the lab to be tested for cancer. We waited for about a week to get the results back. It was positive. Natal had cancer. I am just thankful that it was only his toe.
The vet said that they would have to cut off his toe and hope that it had not spread up his foot. They cut off his toe and told us that they would have to send it to the lab again to make sure they got it all. Natal looked miserable. He had his foot wrapped up in a cast and he limped. He could'nt walk very well and we had to keep my brothers away from him. We had to put his food and water bowls on a stool so he would'nt have to bend down and put pressure on his toe.
We got the results back from the lab. They had got all of the cancer! My dog was cancer free! He is doing fine now. He is back to his old self again. All he lost was a toe when he could have lost his whole foot or even his leg. I love my dog Natal!